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Information Resource Center

Getting Started with Enterprise Profiler

Accessing Enterprise Profiler

To access Enterprise Profiler:

  1. Log into TCW with your user credentials.

  2. Click Enterprise Profiler from the navigation sidebar.

Result: The Enterprise Profiler Search page displays as the default screen.


Search Enterprise Profiler to see the locations that you are connected to as well as those locations you could be connected to. Enterprise Profiler enables you to perform an intersection analysis based on your building footprint.

To search for an enterprise:

  1. From the Enterprise Profiler Search page under the Search for an Enterprise field heading, select Name or Domain for an enterprise.

  2. Depending upon the above selection enter the relevant information in the search bar e.g. Starbucks Coffee

  3. Press Enter.

Result: The Enterprise Profiler Locations page displays as the default page.


The following sample screen highlights the information and functions available from the Locations page. Refer to the table Locations page: Fields and Functions for additional details.


Locations page: Fields and Functions



Search for an Enterprise

Use the search bar to find a specific location in the list.

Intersection and Locations Information Fields Section

Enterprise Name

In the upper left corner of the page, the name of the enterprise that you searched on displays.


Displays the total number of locations present for this enterprise.


Displays the total number of locations that intersect with My Buildings footprint.

Percentage Reach

Displays the percentage of reach to intersecting locations based on My Buildings profile.

On Net

Displays the number of locations that are in the carrier’s network and can be readily activated within My Buildings footprint.

Near Net

Displays the number of locations that are within proximity that is close to the carrier’s network, potentially indicating easier provisioning and shorter timeframes within My Buildings footprint.

Off Net

Displays the number of locations that are not immediately connected to the carrier’s network; however, may be accessed through a third party within My Buildings footprint.

Refine Search Criteria Fields

Intersections and Locations checkboxes

Use the Intersections and Locations check boxes to refine what you want to see on the map view. For example, if you uncheck Intersections, those sites are removed from view on the map.

Locations shown with an orange circle denote an intersection; locations shown with a grey circle denote no intersection.

Media Type

To filter your view by media type, click the down arrow and select the media type(s) you wish to view. Options include:

  • Fiber

  • Coax/HFC

  • Copper

  • Wireless

  • Other

Enterprise and Network Intersections Tabs Section

Enterprise Locations tab

Displays the name, address, city, state, and zip code of all locations for the searched enterprise. Click the Details icon to view additional information for any address.

To refine your search, you can filter on any of the columns. For example, as a network provider, you may only want to build fiber buildings versus copper, so you can filter by media type to view.

Network Intersections tab

This tab provides the following information for all intersecting locations: address, network connection status, building connection status, media type, provider name and building unique key of all intersecting locations.

Quote Buildings tab

This tab displays if you have CPQ enabled in your instance, have selected the Quote Buildings option, and selected a deal from the dropdown list. See the “Select Deal and Quote Buildings” callout in the Locations page example above. Make sure you create a matching account in "My Accounts" and select the enterprise name from the drop-down list when creating an account. When adding locations to a deal from "Enterprise Profiler", select the enterprise account name and add to an existing deal or create a new deal to run a quote. The Quote buildings tab only displays after you have run a quote and the deal is selected from the drop-down list as shown in the previous example.

Export function

Click the Action menu icon Eclipse-Vertical.png, located in the upper right corner of the page, to display the Actions submenu enabling you to export all buildings in the list to a CSV file.

Map View Section

Search bar

Enter an address into the search bar to quickly zoom to that location on the map.

Map control functions

  • Use the crosshairs to expand the map to full view. Click Esc to return to Locations screen view.

  • Use the + (plus) sign to zoom in on the map view Use the - (minus) sign to zoom out on the map view.

  • User the up and down arrows to pan (tilt) your map view. Then click again to return map view to true North.

  • Use the measure (ruler) tool to draw a line that displays distance and enables you to save to a new route. The "Total" distance is related to the line, which is drawn on the map, and the "Save Route" button lets you save it to a new or existing route in My Routes.

Map view color coding

  • Grey circles depict locations.

  • Orange pins depict intersecting locations.