Generating a Quick Quote
If you want to generate a quote to get a quick view of pricing without creating an account or deal, you can use the Quick Quote function as described below.
To generate a quote for a deal containing one or multiple addresses, follow the CPQ process flow. See the CPQ process flow diagram for details.
To generate a quick quote:
from the navigation sidebar.Either enter a complete address or latitude/longitude coordinates into the
field or enter (or copy and paste) one or multiple addresses into the field.Note
Although you can only enter a single address using auto complete for a Quick Quote, the Enter Multiple Addresses Here field enables you to add parsed addresses, which provides greater flexibility and granularly for the address(es) you want to price.
.Result: The address(es) is validated and displays a green checkmark if valid or a red x if the address could not be validated.
Select (check) the address/addresses from the validation list to be processed.
Choose the configuration. See Process Flow Step 2: Choose the Configuration Criteria for details.
Click the
button.Result: The Select Account/Select Deal/Create New Deal dialog box displays.
Optionally do one of the following:
To do this
Complete these steps
Connect pricing to an existing deal
Click the dropdown arrow in the
field and select the Account Name.Click the dropdown arrow in the
field and select the deal name.Click
Connect pricing to a new deal
Click the dropdown arrow in the
field and select the Account Name.Click
and type the name you wish to associate with the new deal.Click