Managing (WIP) Work in Progress
From Quoting > WIP, view your assigned work in progress and/or view global work in progress for quotes using the WIP submenu.
My WIP acts as an Inbox to provide visibility into work that has yet to be completed. It may also allow you to assign tasks to other users or to yourself, based on your user group permissions. User group permissions are set by the Administrator of your instance. Options include: [CPQ] Assign Quotes to me and/or [CPQ] Assign/Reassign Quotes to any user.
If you assign users to the user group "Company Users (Default)" and not "Default Group" those users will not have access to the Global WIP menu.
Custom fields are viewable within the Global WIP and/or My WIP grid, if the user group permission is enabled by an Admin.
Additionally, where applicable, the WIP pages include My Activities and My Blockers. These features must be enabled for your instance by an internal Connectbase Administrator. There is also a user level entitlement that must be enabled per user to define who can create activity rules.
When Activities is enabled for your instance and your user credentials, the following appears in the WIP submenu:
My Activities – Displays activities that are pending to be completed by the logged user. Additionally, when an activity is pending, an email notification is sent informing you that a quote is pending action from you.
My Blockers – Displays activities to be completed by other identified (Assigned to) users, thereby blocking the completion of the quote that is assigned to the logged user until the required activities are approved.
To view global work in progress:
Access to the Global WIP tab is a user level permission. If your user account is not configured for Global WIP access, the Global WIP submenu does not display.
from the navigation sidebar. The page displays.Note
The Assigned User dropdown menu appears for selection if you have the appropriate permissions enabled for assigning tasks. Otherwise, the field is not modifiable.
Only one user can be assigned to a quote at a time.
For a user to be assigned to a quote, "Allow CPQ entitlement" must be enabled in the instance by an internal Connectbase Administrator. Contact your Customer Success Manager or Customer Support for assistance.
To assign a quote:
from the navigation sidebar.Click the Assign user icon that appears to the left of the quote name.
Select yourself or another user.
Result: The quote is assigned and appears in the user's My WIP page.
To view your work in progress:
from the navigation sidebar. The My WIP page displays.To share the newly added quote with another user or user group:
from the navigation sidebar.Click the share icon that appears to the left of the quote name.
Result: The Share quote with dialog box displays.
From the Share Quote with; dialog box, select user or user group from the drop-down list.
Select the name of the user/user group.
.Result: The user receives a standard notification within the platform as well as an email notification alerting them to the shared quote.
To review my activities:
from the navigation sidebar. The My Activities page displays.To review my blockers:
from the navigation sidebar. The My Blockers page displays.