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Adding deals

Limitation: A single deal can have no more than 2000 locations.

If a deal surpasses the 2000 locations per deal limitation, the deal will automatically split into multiple small deal batches, with naming convention "deal_name-1", "deal_name -2" etc.

The deal counts the combination location counts of supplier name, access media, connection status, etc. to distinguish differences as unique location counts (addresskey +secondary). This number is indicated in the Counts with Duplicates field (formerly named Location Counts).

Please note that our location counts may include system duplicates of access medium, connection status, and supplier name. This means that locations with different supplier names, different connectivity status, and different access medium.

To add a deal to an account:

  1. Select Quoting > Account from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Locate an account, and click the Open Deals icon.

  3. Click the Add Deal button located in the upper right corner of the page.

    Result: The Add a Deal to Account dialog box displays.

  4. Type a unique name for the deal. The deal name is required and must be a unique name within the account; however, you can use the same deal name for a different account.

    The remaining fields are optional, but where populated, are carried forward with the deal/quote. These fields enable you to capture and store metadata that is specifically important to your own business structure.

  5. Where applicable, you can select a preconfigured Default Rule Chain to be applied to this account.

  6. If Billing Accounts have been defined for this Account, you can use the dropdown arrow in the Billing Account field to select a billing account to be applied to this deal for quoting.

    Where selected, all quotes under this deal will have the Currency inherited from the Billing Account. Associating a deal to a billing account is optional. If a Billing Account is not associated, the quotes under the deal inherit the Account Default Currency.

    The following graphic shows an example of the quote currency inherited from the Billing Account in step 3 of the CPQ quoting process once pricing completes. Note that the Base Currency is USD, but the Quote Currency is EUR.

    • Base Currency is the currency in which a customer is buying the service, associated to Suppliers. (Note: This field was previously named “Currency Name”).

    • Quote Currency is the currency in which a customer is selling the service, associated to a Billing Account or Account.

    The conversion from Base Currency to Quote Currency is based on the Exchange Rate. Connectbase automatically updates the Exchange Rate data on a biweekly basis, but Admin users can update the Exchange Rate within their instance as needed.

  7. If Custom Fields have been defined for deals within your instance, they display as options for selection from the dropdown list. You can select the custom fields you want added to the deal and provide a value for each custom field selected.

  8. Click Add.

    Result: The new deal is added to the account. To view the newly added deal, click the > arrow that appears to the left of the account name.

  9. To add or import addresses to this deal, click the Deal name.

    Result: The Add Addresses or Coordinates dialog box displays.

The next step in the deal creation process is to add one or more addresses to your deal. Continue with the steps in the next section Adding/Importing addresses to a dealAdding/Importing addresses to a deal

To manage existing deals, see Managing deals.

To add or import addresses to a deal:

  1. Select Quoting > Accounts from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Locate an account, and click the Open Deals icon.

  3. Select a deal.

    Result: If the deal has no addresses added the Step 1: Add Addresses or Coordinates page automatically displays.

  4. Click Upload/Add Addresses.

    Result: The Step 1: Add Addresses or Coordinates page displays.

    The first screen image below shows an example with the P2P Mode toggle button Off. If the P2P Mode toggle button is On, the screen presents with the option to add two address points as shown in the second screen image below.

    P2P Mode toggle Off


    P2P Mode toggle On

  5. To create a deal to obtain P2P pricing between two target locations, enable the P2P Mode toggle. Otherwise, skip this step and proceed to the next step.


    A point to point is a circuit that connects two end points together and does not terminate to a shared service at a provider. The Z side is the customer side. The A side of a circuit is the provider side in an Access circuit.

  6. From the Add Addresses page, do one of the following:

    • Type, or copy and paste, a single address or Latitude/Longitude coordinates into the Single Address Autocomplete field.

    • For point-to-point pricing, if P2P Mode toggle is On/ enabled, type or copy and paste a pair of addresses or latitude/longitude coordinates (Address A and Address Z).

    • Type, or copy and paste, multiple addresses or Latitude/Longitude coordinates, separated by commas, into the Enter Multiple Addresses Here box.

    • Upload a CSV file containing addresses in bulk format.

      • For bulk uploads, it is recommended that you first click Download Upload Sample located at the bottom of the page to review the required format for bulk upload.

      • To upload the CSV file, click Upload CSV File.


      When typing or entering an address, it is recommended that you enter the complete and exact street address for your location. The required fields for an address include Street, City, State, Postal, and Country. If entering multiple addresses (or Lat/Long coordinates), each address must be separated with a comma, for example, 1800 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

      For international addresses, google search for the 3-letter ISO code for each country or countries in which you have included addresses. Validation will fail if the ISO code is incorrect

      Once addresses are added, the Validate button is enabled.

  7. Click Validate.

    • The Step 2: Select and Import Addresses dialog box displays.

    • The system conducts a USPS address validation on the address(es).

    • All validated addresses display with a green check mark in the Valid Address field at the bottom of the page.

    • All addresses that could not be validated display with a Red in the Valid Address field and appear as highlighted within the list.



    Some addresses may not be USPS validated, such as towers, street furniture, etc. For non-validated USPS addresses, you can choose to either include or exclude them from the deal/quote.

  8. Select the addresses for import into the deal:

    • To select all addresses for import, click the Select All field.

    • To select specific addresses for import, click the check box to the left of each address.

    • To exclude invalid addresses for import, click the Exclude Invalid Addresses check box located in the top right corner of the dialog box.

  9. Click Validate.

    Result: All selected files are imported into the deal.

    As needed, you can filter and sort the data within columns within the headers of each column. You can also manage which columns you want to view using the Manage Columns function. See Managing columns in the Deal grid view

    Now that your deal has been created, you can proceed with the CPQ Process Flow.