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Expanding the supplier record details

To expand supplier record details:

To the left of the Supplier name field, click the Add02.png sign.

Result: The dialog box expands to show the following five tabs:

  • Company tab Displays the name, address, and contact information for the supplier.

  • Contacts tab Where applicable, provides the first name, last name, title, escalation level, email, and phone information for the key contact.

  • Building List tab Displays the supplier’s building list.

  • Pricing tab Where applicable, enables you to import/export the supplier’s price list.

  • Hierarchy tab - Where applicable, enables you to view, add and/or edit parent supplier


Above tabs are only visible if the supplier is manually added in Network Radar and has shared their building/pricing lists using List Manager. If the provider is connected through internal API, only Hierarchy tab is available when expanding the supplier record.

When you expand the supplier record, the Company tab displays as the default view and enables you to see address information for the supplier.


Click the Contacts tab to view a list of contacts that have been previously added for this supplier or to add additional contacts.

To add a contact:

  1. Click the Add02.png sign to the far right of the Contacts page.

    Result: The record expands so that you can add and save the supplier contact information.

  2. Complete the information fields as needed: First Name, Last Name, Title, Escalation Level, Email, Work Phone, and/or Mobile Phone.

  3. Click the Save (disk) icon.


You can add CPQ contacts in Supplier Manager for Suppliers connected via Internal API or External API. Once contacts are added, you can use these to facilitate the Bid Management workflow.

The Building List page displays a compilation of the providers that have agreed to share their building lists with you. The Building Lists tab enables you to receive and view those provider’s building lists.

Viewing the Building List page

To view the Building Lists page:

  1. Click Network Radar from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click Supplier Manager under Network Radar.

    Result: The Supplier Manager page displays.

  3. Use the Search bar to locate the name of the supplier in the supplier list or use the Filter in the Supplier Name field.

  4. Click the Add02.png sign to the left of the Supplier field to expand the record.

  5. Click the Building List tab.

    Result: One or more building lists displays on the page

  6. Click the Add02.png sign to the left of the building list to expand the record.

    Result: The Building List page displays. The following figure shows a populated Building List page.

Building List page properties

The Building List page provides the following filterable fields:

Field Name



Provides the following options for obtaining/requesting more information

  • Click the Add02.png icon to view more information:

    • Company tab - Shows the location of the Supplier as

      well as the name of the contact at the supplier site that manages the distribution of building lists.

    • Products tab - Shows all the buildings contained within the building list.

    • Contacts tab - Shows the names and contacts of the Supplier

    • Pricing List tab - Enables you to view the supplier’s pricing list.

  • Click the Request.png icon to request an updated building list from the contact.


    If the buildings were uploaded directly into Network Radar, the GET request does not display.

  • Click the Detail.png icon to view the supplier’s building list.

List Name

If this list was assigned a name during creation, the list name displays here.

  • List Name is a required field if the list is being sent via List Manager.

  • If the list is a direct import, the List Name is optional.

Building Count

Identifies the number of buildings contained within the building list.


  • Yes - Indicates that a dynamic list was sent via List Manager.

  • No - Indicates that a static list was sent, or the list was a direct upload.

Product Data

Indicates if Products and Services for pricing is turned on/off. If customer has only buildings loaded, this field is set to No.

Last Received

Indicates the date that the last updated building list was received from the supplier.

New Received

Indicates the date that a new building list was received from the supplier.


MSSP_accept.pngIf only a green check mark appears in the field, the latest building list has been accepted.

MSSP_rejected.pngIf only a red X appears in the field, the list was rejected.

MSSP_in_progress.pngIf a circle icon appears in the field, the accept/reject status is in progress.

MSSP_accepted_rejected.pngIf this field contains both a green check mark and red X, the list has yet to be accepted or rejected.


Toggle field that you use to publish/unpublish supplier lists.

  • Off (toggle is grayed out)

  • On (toggle is blue)


Published lists are added to “My Locations”.

If this field is set to No, the supplier data will not be included in CPQ quotes.

Auto Publish

Enables you to specify one or more distribution lists for automatic updates, thereby eliminating the need for the user to re-accept every time there is an update. The AutoPublish toggle is blue when the feature is turned On/enabled or greyed out when the feature is Off/disabled. To enable a distribution list for automatic updates:

  1. Click Network Radar.

  2. Click Supplier Manager.

  3. For each list that you want to enable automatic updates, click the toggle button within the AutoPublish field so that the toggle appears blue On.


On/Off toggle field that you use to identify if the company from which the list is received is a competitor. The selection controls whether the building provider shows as a Competitor, or as a Provider, within Building Intelligence.


Indicates if the supplier list is from an internal supplier building list or a supplier import file.

To view a supplier building list:

  1. Click Network Radar from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click Supplier Manager under Network Radar.

    Result: The Supplier Manager page displays.

  3. Use the Search bar to locate the name of the supplier in the supplier list or use the Filter in the Supplier Name field.

  4. In the Options column to the left of the supplier name, click the Detail.png Show Supplier Buildings icon.

    Result: The supplier building list displays.

  5. From the building list, click the Location.png locate building icon to the left of a building to locate the selected building on the map.

To request a supplier building list:

  1. Click Network Radar from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click Supplier Manager under Network Radar.

    Result: The Supplier Manager page displays.

  3. Use the Search bar to locate the name of the supplier in the supplier list.

  4. To the left of the Supplier name field, click the Add02.png sign.

  5. Click Building List tab.

    Result: Building Lists page displays.

  6. In the Options column to the left of the supplier name, click the Request.pngGet Updated Buildings icon.


    If the buildings were uploaded directly into Network Radar, the GET request does not display.

Result: An email notification is sent to the supplier requesting an updated building list.

Import and export functions can be applied to individual lists. In cases where you are re-importing an existing list, you can apply a setting to check the list for duplicates and only import net new records. Additionally, the export function lets you update and delete records at the individual supplier list level.

To import a supplier building list:

  1. Click Network Radar from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click Supplier Manager under Network Radar.

    Result: The Supplier Manager page displays.

  3. Click the Actions menu (vertical ellipsis) located in the upper right corner of the page and select Import > Supplier Import.

  4. Click the Download Sample button to download a sample import file and verify that your import file is properly formatted.

  5. Fill the downloaded file and save it on your system.

  6. From the Import dialogue box, click the Choose File button to locate and select the file you wish to import.

  7. Click the Upload button.

    Result: An upload progress message displays in the lower right portion of the screen.

To delete a supplier building list:

  1. Click Network Radar from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click Supplier Manager under Network Radar.

    Result: The Supplier Manager page displays.

  3. Use the Search bar to locate the name of the supplier in the supplier list.

  4. Click the box that appears to the left of the supplier name field to be deleted.

    Result: A checkmark appears in the box to indicate selection.

  5. Click the Actions menu (vertical ellipsis) that appears in the upper right corner of the page and select Delete.

  6. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the selected supplier from the list.

The Pricing Manager page enables you to receive and view OffNet Pricing from those provider’s that have agreed to share their Connected World product pricing catalog with you. If you have a rate card from a supplier, you can import the rate card. You can also send it from one customer’s instance to another.

To view the Pricing Manager page:

  1. Click Network Radar from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click Supplier Manager under Network Radar.

    Result: The Supplier Manager page displays.

  3. Use the Search bar to locate the name of the supplier in the supplier list.

  4. To the left of the Supplier name field, click the Add02.png sign.

  5. Click the Pricing tab.

    Result: The Pricing page displays.

    The following is an example of Pricing page.

Pricing page properties

The Pricing Manager List page provides the following filterable fields:

Field Name



Provides the following options for obtaining/requesting more information:

Click the Add02.png icon to view the company’s information and products.

Click the Detail.png icon to Show Supplier Pricing.

List Name

If this list was assigned a name during creation, the list name displays here.

  • List Name is a required field if the list is being sent via List Manager.

  • If the list is a direct import, the List Name is optional.

Record Count

Signifies the number of pricing line items that were sent over.


  • Yes - Indicates that a dynamic list was sent via List Manager.

  • No - Indicates that a static list was sent, or the list was a direct upload.

Previous Update

Indicates the date that the previous updated pricing list was received from the supplier.

Last Update

Indicates the date that a new pricing was received from the supplier.


  • If only a green checkmark appears in the field, the latest pricing list has been accepted.

  • If this field contains both a green checkmark and red X, the list has yet to be accepted or rejected.

  • If only a red X appears in the field, the list was rejected.


Toggle field that you use to publish/unpublish pricing lists.

  • Off (toggle is grayed out)

  • On (toggle is blue)

Auto Publish

Enables you to specify one or more distribution lists for automatic updates, thereby eliminating the need for the user to re-accept every time there is an update. The AutoPublish toggle is blue when the feature is turned On/enabled or greyed out when the feature is Off/disabled. To enable a distribution list for automatic updates:

  1. Click the Network Radar > Supplier Manager.from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Search and expand the desired supplier in the supplier list.

  3. Click the Pricing Manager tab.

  4. For each list that you want to enable automatic updates, click the toggle button within the AutoPublish field so that the toggle appears blue On.

Contact Name

The name of the contact at the supplier site that manages the distribution of the pricing lists.

To view a supplier’s pricing list:

  • From the Pricing page, click the Detail.png icon in the Options field for the supplier pricing list you wish to view.

    Result: The OffNet Pricing page displays, as shown in the following example. Note that the pricing is OnNet for the supplier who is providing the pricing, but OffNet for the receiver.


Import and export functions can be applied to individual lists. In cases where you are re-importing an existing list, you can apply a setting to check the list for duplicates and only import net new records. Additionally, the export function lets you update and delete records at the individual supplier list level.

To import a supplier pricing list:

  1. From the Supplier Manager > Pricing tab page, scroll to the right of the tab, click the Actions menu (vertical ellipsis) located in the upper right corner of the Pricing tab frame and select Import > Pricing Import.

  2. Optionally, but recommended, click the Download Sample button to download a sample import file and verify that your import file is properly formatted.

  3. Complete the following required fields:

    • Supplier Name

    • Contact Name

    • Contact Email

  4. Provide a name for the list in the List Name field.


    List Name field is optional for a direct import only.

  5. Click the Choose File button to locate and select the file you wish to import.

  6. Click the Upload button.

    Result: An upload progress message displays in the lower right portion of the screen.

To delete a supplier pricing list:

  1. Click Supplier Manager > Pricing tab.

  2. Click the box that appears to the left of the supplier name to be deleted.

    Result: A checkmark appears in the box to indicate selection.

  3. Click the Actions menu (vertical ellipsis) located in the upper right corner of the Pricing tab frame and select Delete.

  4. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the selected supplier from the list.

The Hierarchy tab within a Supplier enables you to see a listing of all the supplier inventory that is configured within your instance. It shows you all the APIs that Connectbase has set up and connected to your instance, including the companies, products, and how they are connected. An example of the hierarchy tab is shown below:


You can also assign the supplier a Parent by clicking on the Add Parent button in front of the supplier name under Hierarchy tab. To Add a Parent follow the procedure below:

  1. Click on Add Parent button in front of supplier name under Hierarchy tab.

    Result: Add Parent Supplier dialog box appears as shown below:

  2. Click on Select Supplier drop-down arrow.

    Result: Drop-down list shows the available supplier names that can be added as Parent Supplier.

  3. Select a supplier name

  4. Click Apply button

    Result: The selected supplier is assigned as a Parent supplier and Add Parent button changes to Edit Parent button as shown in the below example.



One supplier can have one other supplier as a Parent only. When a suppliers is assigned a Parent Supplier, the Add Parent button changes to Edit Parent Button. You can edit the parent supplier if the status of a supplier changes accordingly.

The Original Supplier Name is used to indicate a parent company name for the provider/supplier that will flow through to CPQ, APIs, and other areas of the platform.


As companies go through various mergers, acquisitions and name changes etc. this field helps you keep track of the current versus previous provider/supplier name and view both the parent and current provider/supplier name throughout the quote process. For example, the provider/ supplier TWC may be defined as Original Provider/Supplier Name = Charter (TWC).

To edit a original supplier in the hierarchy:

  1. Under Hierarchy tab to the right of the Supplier Name field, click Edit Parent.

    Result: The Edit Parent dialog box displays

  2. From the Parent Supplier drop-down menu, select the name of the correct supplier.

  3. Click Apply.

    Result: The Original Supplier Name now displays and is carried through the CPQ, APIs, and other relevant grids within the platform.